Publish Date: 9/8/2009
12th Tactical group honors fallen members
Charlotte Burrous/The Daily Record
FLORENCE - They come for the fun, the sites and the comradery.
But most of all, they come to remember members of the 12th Tactical Fighter Wing Division, who gave their lives in Vietnam.
On Sunday, Ron Doughty, former member of the 12th TFW division at Cam Ranh Bay Air Base in Vietnam, led the informal ceremony at the Col. Leo Sidney Boston War Memorial Park at the Fremont County Airport.
"We appreciate your attendance and participation in this informal annual event, which we have organized to honor those who gave their lives while assigned to the Air Force 12th Tactical Fighter Wing," said Doughty, who served as an F-4 aircraft fighter pilot in Vietnam in 1969.
For this reason, 12th tactical Fighter Wing Association president Ron Matsuda said the ceremony is special.
"I'm impressed with how Fremont County and the city treat us," said Matsuda, an Apple Valley, Calif., resident.
He served as a pilot in Vietnam from November 1966 to September 1967 with the 391st Tactical Fighting Squad.
In the same vein, John Komara has attended the re-dedication ceremony for the past four years.
A Ruidoso, N.M., resident, he said he looked forward to coming every year, not only to have fun, but also to remember some of the events that happened in Vietnam.
"We reminisce quite a bit because we've all been through it," said Komara, who served as a crew chief in Vietnam from 1967 to 1968. "You don't have to put on (a sunny face). You can open up a little bit because people understand."
It's also a way to honor the ones who gave their life for their country.
"We come here mainly for them," Komara said.
During the invocation, the Rev. Mark "Gator" Hunt, who also served with the 12th TFW, thanked God for those who attended.
"Most of all, I pray for the names on this wall behind me that made the ultimate sacrifice that we can be doing what we're doing right now," he said. "I also pray for the families of the men who made that sacrifice."
As the National Anthem played, veterans, families and friends stood at attention, remembering those who served in Southeast Asia.
Following American Legion Department of Colorado Past State Commander Tim Grabin's rendition of "Taps," Sharon Schuermann played "Amazing Grace" on the flute.
Since arriving Tuesday afternoon, the group has spent the past several days touring the Royal Gorge Bridge and Park, Skyline Drive, antique shops in Florence, the Winery, as well as other sites.
In the evenings, they gathered for dinner at various restaurants, where they laughed, reminisced and shared experiences with each other.